October, 1998

Expert Advice
By Ellen Barry

"Weigh your financial situation very carefully before you quit," says Neal Lenarsky, president of the outplacement firm Strategic Transitions. Without another job lined up, he says, you should have at least three months' worth of salary in savings to sustain you while you're interviewing. Otherwise, stay put while you job hunt. It might be unpleasant, but draining your savings-or choosing another bad job-is worse.

Corporate loyalty has dwindled steadily over the past 10 years, according to Lenarsky. It's a commendable quality, but it shouldn't have outweighed Ruhle's other needs. In this economy, there's no reason to stay long-term in a job you loathe-especially if you have a sharp entrepreneurial idea. Fear of the unknown keeps a lot of people locked into positions, Lenarsky adds. When they start marketing themselves, they're surprised at how they're valued.